The customization period for this coming week's farm shares (Wednesday, July 6th) is now open and will remain so until 11:59 p.m. tonight (Sunday). During this period you can edit the contents of your upcoming box, adding, deleting, and swapping items, and also purchasing extra items or quantity beyond that provided by your regular share. Let us know if you have any problems customizing your share or encounter other problems with your membership.
Greetings, friends:
This week's harvest list has grown by a few items, while dropping (for the moment, anyway) a few (sorry, no Spinach this week). We are excited about the new potatoes we've grown for you. As many of you who've been members for a while will recall, we in past seasons grew some ugly potatoes, so much so we vowed never to grow them again and to instead purchase them from other farms with the knack (and the soil) for spuds. But then our long time volunteer, Georgi H., suggested we try new potatoes, which are harvested at a youthful stage, perhaps even before disfiguring diseases like scab can appear. So we put in row of red and yellow varieties, and when we scratched a few out last week were stunned and delighted to find thick clusters of small to medium spuds with pale tender skins and almost no defects. Later in the kitchen we confirmed another lovely feature of these "baby" potatoes ~ they are wonderfully creamy, tender and flavorful. We think you'll enjoy them. Elsewhere in the garden many crops are ready for harvest including a few on the list for this week: Basil, Parsley, Cauliflower, Broccoli, and Zucchini. In our greenhouses, the tomatoes are growing robustly and green fruits are evident on nearly every vine. The question is: when will we see some color?
Thank You for returning your boxes to your pick up site, and thank you as well for returning them folded flat and neatly stacked. Our pick up site hosts certainly appreciate your efforts to keep things neat and tidy at their homes and businesses.
Thank you for your membership,
Your farmers,
Mike, Kim, and Crew
Cedarville Farm