The customization period for this coming Wednesday's (September 14th) farm share is now OPEN and will remain so until late tonight (Sunday)! If you'd like to review or edit the items in your harvest NOW is the time to do so. Once again, we have a robust list of crops available for this week's harvest , so if you do want to delete, swap, or add items you have some choices available to you. If the link in this email doesn't connect you to your customization page, you can always log directly into your Harvie member account and customize from that location.
We've added Leeks and Parsnips to our harvest offerings this week, a sure sign that fall is arriving. We are still eating tomatoes at practically every meal and the fresh corn we are picking is a frequent component of dinner. But the cold mornings and foggy patches seem to suggest other more savory and warm possibilities.
Thanks to these farming friends for enhancing our harvest list this week: First Cut Farms (Potatoes), Hedlin Farms (Cauliflower), and Griffin and Osprey Hill Farms (Broccolini).
Important Note: We have noticed the farm share box return rate has been dropping off over the past weeks. If you have been throwing out your farm share boxes or letting them pile up in the garage, we would be very thankful if you returned them to your pick up site as often as you can manage. New boxes cost us between $3 and $4, a significant chunk of change for us to pull out of your share cost more than a few times a season. Thanks for your help with this task!
We hope you enjoy the harvest this week. Thank You for your membership.
~ Mike , Kim, and Crew
Cedarville Farm