PLEASE NOTE: The customization period for the December 14th farm share is now OPEN ~ a day ahead of the usual schedule! The customization period will remain open until 9 a.m. Sunday (12/11). If you'd like to review or edit the items in your harvest, NOW is the time to do so. Once again, we have a robust list of crops available for this week's harvest , so if you do want to delete, swap, or add items you have some choices available to you. If the link in this email doesn't connect you to your customization page, you can always log directly into your Harvie member account and customize from that location.
This Week's Photo: Salad mix in the rinsing tub. We love that even at the end of the season, in the darkest time of year, we can still find vibrant and delicious crops to share with our members.
Good Bye for Now: This is our final week of the 2022 farm share (CSA), week # 30 out of 30. It's been a long and varied trek that took us (dragged us, sometimes) through all kinds of weather and challenging tasks. No day and no season is the same on a market farm like Cedarville, even if the list of crops remains mostly the same over the years. Each season seems to ask something different of us, and in turn delivers a harvest with subtly different production, flavor, and character. Thank You So Much for your membership this season, and for your patience and understanding as we grappled with the uncertainties of growing food over a long season. We hope that in the main, you enjoyed the harvest and your share of it. For us, it remains a great honor and delight to grow good food for our community. We love the direct connection we have with our members, and that in some small way we are, together, contributing to the economic and community health of our region. That just never gets old.
Thank You for your membership and support of this and the many other local family farms we've worked with to bring this abundant harvest to you. We'll be back in contact in the early winter 2023 to share with you our farm plans for the new season. Until then we wish for your a peaceful and gentle winter season.
BOXES: Please return any empty share boxes you might have to your pick up location within the next week, if at all possible. We'll be visiting all our delivery sites before the new year to gather them up and store them for use in the new season (those that we don't recycle, anyway).
Thank You,
Your Farmers,
Mike, Kim, Matt, Georgi, Ashley, Debbie, Arden, and Lauren
Cedarville Farm