Hey Everyone,
Welcome to week 7 of our CSA. We will be harvesting a variety of items this week, including some kohlrabi and golden nugget squash. This will be assigned based on your preferences of course.
Our tango celery has been growing great over the past few weeks!! This refreshing celery has a refined taste and you will find it less fibrous than the celery you typically buy in store. The leaves are edible too, and are great in soups, salads, or any type of savoury dish.
Our carrots and potatoes in our 3rd garden plot were really affected by all the rain we had earlier this season. They have been very slow to grow, but have shown great growth over the past few weeks. We have been checking on them weekly, and although they are smaller than we would like at this stage in the season, we are going to harvest some this week. If we need to supplement them this week we will.
Our tomatoes are doing great, and some of them are starting to turn color. Hoping we can have them in boxes in the next week or two.
Thanks again for your positive feedback, and the photos you have been sending us! We love seeing your creations, and are so thankful to each of you for your continued support of our farm.
Your Farmers
Chris and Amy James