Farm Happenings at Crystal Spring Farm
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Last Delivery of the Season!

Posted on October 28th, 2018 by Seth Kroeck

As the first N'oreaster rolls through Maine we are getting ready for our last delivery of the season. There are lots of good storage crops here in the share and we also have a few end of the year add-ons to help keep you warm in the cold weather to come. 

Stock up on storage produce. In addition to the extras you can add to your box we are also offering a discounted "Storage Special". This is our usual delivery box filled with over 25lbs of great food to enjoy as the weather gets cooler. Here's what's in the box:

10bs of our super sweet Carrots

2 Butternut Squash

2 Delicata Squash

2 Acorn Squash

5lbs of sweet potatoes

2 Onions

Fall Local Meat Freezer Shares Available!

As in past years we have great meat products from local farms to fill your freezer this winter! If you haven't had locally raised beef, chicken or pork you are missing out. Flavor and quality can't even compare to the grocery store. These are one time shares and must be picked up in Brunswick at the farm by appointment.

Grass-fed Beef Share- Clarkhaven Farm in Skowhegan raises 100% grass-fed beef that is really amazing. Full marbling, incredible taste and all the health of grass-fed. Shares are $505 for a 65lb box of steaks, roasts, ground and stew cuts. This share will be available for pick-up in November. Reserve now. Please follow this link to sign up.

Pastured Chicken Share -Two Coves Farm in Harpswell raised these for us on pasture with organic grain. Full size birds with great flavor, this is what chicken is meant to be. Shares are $125 for 3 whole and 5 halves. Available now until we sell out. Sign up here

Pastured Pork Share- Our own pork raised last fall on hay and organic grain. Shares are $185 for 22 lbs of chops and ground. Sign up here 

10lb Ground Pork Pack- Our own ground pork 10lbs in 1lb packages for $78. Sign up here