Farm Happenings at Daybreak Growers Alliance
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Farm Happenings for 5/26/2020 Delivery Boxes, Summer Shares & Update from Misty Brook Farm

Posted on May 19th, 2020 by Daybreak Growers Alliance

A quick reminder about share pick up

If your share arrives in a CARDBOARD box please TAKE THE BOX WITH YOU, just grab-n-go, we cannot reuse the boxes and the pick up site is not responsible for recycling those boxes.

If your share arrives in one of our PLASTIC TOTES, please transfer the contents into your own bags and LEAVE THE TOTE at the site.

Meat shares will be in the cooler, please know what you ordered, or if you ask a friend to pick up let them know, so all of the items can be grabbed while at the site.

Please arrive ON TIME to pick up your shares, pick up sites are not responsible for storing shares that are not picked up during the pick up window, they are generously providing us with space during that time ONLY.

Thank you!


Summer's on the way! This is the last delivery of winter shares for the season!! If you haven't already signed up for Summer Shares you can do so here. If you let auto-renew process on your account and you haven't already made adjustments, please log in and check to be sure your order is they way you would like it, all the add-ons you expect and the frequency of delivery, if you're on every other week delivery be sure shares are arriving on the days you expect! Changes to summer shares should be made by Friday, May 22nd to ensure things get delivered correctly the first week of June. Email us and we'll get Harvie to make any adjustments. 

Update from Misty Brook Farm

Spring is finally here, and Misty Brook Farm is happy to announce that our lovely milking ladies are back on pasture! Every morning we give our girls a fresh paddock to graze, and they’re loving it. All day long they get to enjoy sunshine, green grass, and room to really kick up their heels. Thank you for your support; we love what we do and are honored to have the opportunity to provide delicious, healthy, sustainably raised food for you and your families!