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Farm Happenings at Daybreak Growers Alliance
Farm Happenings 3/3/2020: Lion’s Mane Mushrooms & Chase Stream Farm
Happy March Everyone! There are a bunch of great preserved items as options for your shares this week. This is a great way to enjoy some summer time veggies in your winter shares! We are excited about the Whole Peeled Tomatoes in this weeks shares from Turtle Rock Provisions. They are a local produ1 read more »
Farm Happenings for 2/18/2020: Baked Beans and Update from Songbird Farm
Hope you all are enjoying these bright crisp deep winter days! This time of year these cold snaps sure get me excited about all the warm hearty meals I can make with the variety of seasonal winter roots we have here in Maine. Soups, roasts, mashes are all regular staples. Even though we've had some1 read more »