The summer crops are loving the heat! All the ingredients for fresh salsa in upcoming shares and plenty for Extra purchases. There's pounds of basil and fresh garlic for pesto, tomatoes, the first of the shallots and bunches of carrots to add to shares along with cheese, bagels, grains and meats!
Dear Daybreak Share Customers,
We are writing today to tell you about a hunger relief initiative we have helped start, to share a little more about what Daybreak does and to invite you to contribute to the cause.
We are writing today to tell you about a hunger relief initiative we have helped start, to share a little more about what Daybreak does and to invite you to contribute to the cause.
In addition to Daybreak's CSA program, Daybreak also aggregates, markets and sells products from over 50 Maine farms and food businesses wholesale to retailers, restaurants and institutions. When COVID19 hit Maine this spring, Daybreak's Wholesale Supervisor, Colleen Hanlon-Smith, joined with community members to address two converging issues: a growing number of Mainers facing difficult economic times and farmers scrambling to navigate changing markets.
The result is that Daybreak partnered with a group of organizations and individuals that had a shared vision and complimentary skills to launch a hunger relief campaign called Waldo County Bounty. In the last two months, half of the $100,000 fundraising goal has been reached!
Thanks to these fundraising efforts, Daybreak Growers is now purchasing crops from our farm partners and distributing to Mainers in need through 16 underserved food pantries in our community. Our hope is to complete our fundraising goal and continue distribution through this winter.
Thanks to these fundraising efforts, Daybreak Growers is now purchasing crops from our farm partners and distributing to Mainers in need through 16 underserved food pantries in our community. Our hope is to complete our fundraising goal and continue distribution through this winter.
To learn more and to help us reach our goal, please visit: You can also follow WCB's work on our social media channels: @waldocountybouty and waldocountybounty