This week we have some great offerings for your spring gatherings when you customize your box! Look for applewood smoked hams, coppa steaks, pork chops, liquid gold cooking fat, kielbasa, Springdale Farm Easter themed gift boxes and waxed cheddar pieces, Ragged Coast Chocolate Bark Sampler plus all of our other specialty products that pack nicely into a gift basket . . . don't forget the eggs for decorating!
Update from Springdale Farm
Here at Springdale we're gearing up for the coming growing season. For us this means getting our fencing supplies ready and penciling out grazing plans. Both people and cows can't wait for those sweet spring days and lush green grass. In the creamery we've been working hard to stock up on your favorite Springdale cheeses for this coming summer and planning out some special seasonal treats. There's no cream cheese shortage at Springdale!
We love working with Daybreak Growers Alliance! Our team enjoys attending events throughout the state as a way to connect with customers and the number one question we're asked is: where can I buy your products? I love that we can tell people the best way to find the widest selection of our products in one place is through Daybreak Growers Alliance! There really isn't a match out there for the variety that Daybreak is able to offer of fresh, seasonal Maine farm products and we're so grateful to be part of it!
Stay tuned for our seasonal treats and thanks so much for enjoying our products!