Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 20-26, 2020

Posted on June 20th, 2021 by Marnie Chown

Welcome to the first week of the

SUMMER veggie shares!


We have finally been getting consistent rain and it has been amazing! Our irrigation is under WAY less pressure and the crops are looking good! Thanks for bearing with us for the schedule shift!

In the greenhouses, our cherry tomatoes are ripening nicely. The beefsteaks are still a few weeks away for now and there is alot of fruit on the vines. 

The crops in the hoophouses have all been turned over to summer crops including cukes, peppers, eggplant and more tomatoes! 

Our field gardens are loaded with kale, chard, lettuce, herbs, zucchinis, green onions and more. The potatoes are up, the green beans are up, the leeks are doing their thing and the winter squashes are looking good. 

Most crops have come through the spring heat wave pretty well other than the beets and carrots. Both are a little behind schedule due to inconsistent germination but we are hoping they will rebound with all the rain in the forecast. Fingers crossed!!


If you are a new member receiving your first share, check out this link that walks you through how customizing your share works. 

 How Customization Works 


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me (Marnie) directly by emailing me at 


Enjoy your veggies this week!
