Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 3, 2024

Posted on June 30th, 2024 by Marnie Chown

Week 5

If you like garlic scapes, now is your chance to load up! We harvested
as much as we could and we will go through the garlic once more
to get all the ones that weren't mature enough to pull off.

Garlic scapes can be used in meals the same way that garlic is
used! They can be eaten fresh, fried, name it! My
personal favourite it to whip them up in a food processor and make
a pesto-like spread. It can be eaten on sandwiches, in wraps, on
pasta or name it!

Another good way to eat them is pickled. Bonus: they look so
beautiful all curled up in the jars too!

New this week is fennel from Rooted Oak!

Enjoy your veggies this week!