Farm Happenings at Fair Sun Farm
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Farm Happenings for July 31, 2024

Posted on July 28th, 2024 by Marnie Chown

Week 9

We are gradually starting to sort all of the garlic and it's going well
so far! We are pretty happy with the size of the bulbs and we are
excited to see that it is curing nicely in the nursery!

This week we have SWEET CORN!

Every year we drive to my aunt and uncle's farm in Gananoque
to get their delicious corn. They also have patty pans for us too!
They are NOT certified organic so if you'd like some you will
have to add it to your share during the customization period.
You will not be disappointed!!

We have no salad this week because the beds that we had planned
to harvest from at this time of the season were all flooded back
when we kept getting heavy rain. That's all part of farming!