Farm Happenings at Gravel Road Farm
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Gravel Road Farm News Sept 10 2022

Posted on September 10th, 2022 by Brigid Ferkett

Gravel Road Farm News, September 10 2022

This is Week 14, only 4 weeks left for weekly shares and two or three boxes left for the bi-weekly shares. The cooler weather this weekend feels like fall is right around the corner. Friday night football, hearty soups, baking and eating bread and canning tomatoes are all on the schedule this weekend.

We are still offering bulk tomatoes this week. If you want to do any canning, now is the time. These cool wet conditions are bad for tomatoes, and so the plants will not last much longer. 

This week you can see three different kinds of melons listed but it is probably the end of the melons. The last hurrah includes two varieties that are different: 

Canary melons-Yellow on the outside, white and sweet on the inside

Orange sugar- small sized honey dew

Brussels Sprouts and leeks are going to be new for some people, as well as the grapes. These grapes are different from what you would find in the grocery store. They are grown in Iola by John and Mary Makovec and the variety is Somerset. These are not organic.

Peppers are going to be red and orange ripe bell peppers instead of green. Fennel is back this week, great for ratatouille, spaghetti sauce, or just roasted. We are offering bulk basil by the pound now if you want to make pesto. We usually make a big batch then freeze it in ¼ pint mason jarsr. There will be some bulk beans for freezing as well as the regular 1 pound bags. You can get them in 5 pound increments, and I think 5 pounds easily fills a gallon ziploc freezer bag plus extra. Just blanch them in boiling water then freeze. They are good for soups and casseroles. 

We had a great time on Friday night celebrating the farm market and helping to fundraise for it's continued success. There was amazing food, and lovely music and a beautiful location.