Just a couple notes: 1) Some of you have asked about carrots. That's a crop we've struggled with this season. However, we do have some *small* rainbow carrots this week and we're hoping to have more next time. 2) Lettuce weather has returned and so has lettuce! 3) The potatoes this week are a versatile variety called Peter Wilcox. They have purple skin and gold flesh and are known for good flavor. These beauties were supplied by our friends at Purslane Farm. 4) This is week 16 of 18, so the season is winding down, but we still have new things coming for your final deliveries.
Back to Farm Happenings at Gravel Road Farm
Farm Happenings for September 27, 2022
Posted on September 24th, 2022 by Ross Ferkett
About the farm
Gravel Road farm is located in scenic Waupaca County, Wisconsin. We raise vegetables for our CSA and farmers market, along with cut flowers and grass fed sheep.
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