All-day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Sally, Hurricane Sally was on our minds. We were very worried she would turn on like Florence, the hurricane that dropped nearly 10 inches of rain on the farm in just a few hours. One of our fields had just been prepared for planting fall cover crops and int flooded. Many many of our fall crops were drowned. The most staggering thing was that for the first time in 40 years our pond overflowed, and we had what looked like a river in the spillway. The pond dock, where we have the pump and which sits some three feet about the level of the pond in normal time, was underwater for about 18 hours. Needless to say, a new pump was in the future. On Wednesday, the old Elvis Presley song Don't Be Cruel kept running through my mind---Sally, Sally, Sally Don't Be Cruel.
And she wasn't. We had steady rain for two and a half days, but it was never to much for our raised beds and drainage system was never overwhelmed.
Meanwhile, my daughter's family in California could use the rain. They have had to evacuate their house. It has not burned. But even in the evacuated area, they have to be careful of taking their baby outside. She lives near the Sequoia National Forest, where there is a fire. An evacuation was ordered because there are few roads to get people out in an emergency.
Stay safe, dry, and away from fire. .
Judy for all the farmers at Harland's Creek Farm.