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Farm Happenings at Harland's Creek Farm, LLC
Farm Blog for July 4, 2020 Popup Farm Stand
A hot July day deserves a cool drink. Order mint and make Minted Lemonade or a Mint Julep. Mint Drinks Each drink is based on Simple Syrup, which is made by boiling 2-cups of sugar with 1-cup of water. You can keep this in the refrigerator until needed.
Lemonade 1 serving&1 read more »
Farm Blog for Tuesday June 30, 2020 Cold Cucumber Soup
Sunshine--farmers are celebrating; plants are drying out; tomatoes will start to grow. Alas, both plantings of edamame died due to the adverse weather, but we are replanting and hope to have some come September. Meanwhile...
Summer has come, and we are offering summer numerous summer vegetables thi1 read more »
Farm Blog:Durham Farm Shares for Saturday June 27 2020
Sunshine--farmers are celebrating; plants are drying out; tomatoes will start to grow. Alas, both plantings of edamame died due to the adverse weather, but we are replanting and hope to have some come September. Meanwhile...
Summer has come, and we are offering summer numerous summer vegetables thi1 read more »
Farm Blog PopUp Farm Stand June 27 2020 Cold Cucumber Soup
Sunshine--farmers are celebrating; plants are drying out; tomatoes will start to grow. Summer has come, and we are offering summer numerous summer vegetables. Try the Cold Cucumber Soup...not cooking necessary,
Cold Cucumber and Yogurt Soup 4 servings
1 pound cucumbers, washed and trimmed
&f1 read more »
Farm Blog for Tuesday June 20, 2020 Spicy Cabbage Recipe
Hello all. We hope you are doing well. If anyone can make it stop raining we ask you to take action now. Don't overdo it, but we need a week without rain to dig potatoes, plant some cover crops, and turn over and replant areas where we have grown the spring crops.
Of course, this is the natur1 read more »
Farm News with Recipe for Saturday June 20, 2020 Delivery
Hello all. We hope you are doing well. If anyone can make it stop raining we ask you to take action now. Don't overdo it, but we need a week without rain to dig potatoes, plant some cover crops, and turn over and replant areas where we have grown the spring crops.
Of course, this is the natur1 read more »
Saturday June 20 2020 Pop-Up Farm Stand Blpg
At Harland's Creek Farm, we are into using the whole vegetable. For example, I used the tops of my kohlrabi in a smoothie last week. Kohlrabi tops can also be used in any recipe for collards or kale.
The winner in my mind for an expected use is Carrot Top Pesto, which I also made last week. H1 read more »
Tuesday June 16, 2020 Cooking with Dill
Dill is a great enhancement for many of the vegetables we are offering this week—carrots, cucumbers, potatoes, and squash. Dill is eaten worldwide and is often served with fish and mixed with soft cheeses, sour cream, and yogurt. Below is a recipe for Carrot Soup with dill which is a fa1 read more »
June 13, 2020 Using the Whole Vegetable
This week we are providing kohlrabi and carrots for you to put in your shares. The kohlrabi bulb (actually a swollen stem, but that is another story) and the carrot roots are what we usually think of as the vegetables; however, do not ignore the tops. AND, your each will last longer if you se1 read more »