Hello everyone, I hope you are well. From the list of products that we present to you, please choose the ones you want to have in your next delivery.
Okra, Eggplant, Sweet Pepper, Green onions, Zucchini Squash, Patti pam squash, Red Potatoes, Fingerling Potatoes, Squash Butternut, Hot Pepper, Sun gold Tomatoes and Tomatoes.
We are in delivery number 18 some of our members will finish with the orders since they signed for 18 weeks, even if they want to continue for the rest of the weeks that continue they can renew their registration and continue for 12 more weeks.
Thank you and happy weekend, please don't forget to pick up your bag of vegetables at the usual places.
Best regards
Erasmo and all farmers., HCF., Judy, Yoli and Ricardo.

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