Hello everyone, I hope you are well and have had a nice week.
From the list that we present to you, please choose the products that you wish to have in your next delivery.
Salad mix, Red Kale, Collards, Bok choy, Turnips, Braising mix, Sweet potatoes, Green Onions and Red Potatoes.
we started our deliveries with greens and in the next few weeks we will have (carrots, Beets, Radish, Kohlrabi and more).
We are finishing the summer and soon the autumn will arrive, we have put too many seeds that are barely germinating for what will be the autumn harvest.
Please don't forget to pick up your bag of vegetables at the usual places. Happy weekend.
Best regards
Erasmo and all Farmers., HCF ., Judy, Yoli and Ricardo.

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