Working hard, hello everyone I hope you are well during this midweek.
We are working very hard trying to put all the transplants in the fields, we have already put all the tomatoes and Eggplant, there are still many more but this week they will all be in the fields, all the seeds that we put have already germinated and with these temperatures appropriate for the fields are growing very fast.
From the list that we present to you, please choose the products that you want to have in your next delivery.
Beets, Braising mix, Arugula, Salad mix, Lacinato Kale, Turnips, Green Garlic, Parsley, collards, Chard and Oregano.
Please don't forget to pick up your vegetable bag during market hours.
Best regards
Erasmo and all Farmers., HCF., Judy, Yoli and Ricardo.

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