Hello everyone. We are very happy to start with the first delivery of CSA 2024.
Like every year we are working very hard to have enough vegetables for all of you. The potatoes that we put in the fields have already sprouted and we are preparing the fields to put tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and many more seasonal products.
From the list we present, please choose the products you wish to have in this first delivery. Arugula,Escarole,Romaine lett., Turnips, Green Onions, Boc Choy, Lacinato Kale, Collards, Green Garlic,Mint, Parsley, Bronze Fennel and Oregano.
Please don't forget to pick up your bag of vegetables at the usual locations. Thank you for supporting Harlands Creek Farm, and the Families that work there, happy weekend.
Best regards
Judy, Erasmo and Yoli.

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