Farm Happenings at Harland's Creek Farm, LLC
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Farm Happenings for May 28, 2024

Posted on May 24th, 2024 by Judy Lessler

I hope everyone had a nice week. We have prepared the fields to plant the sweet potato plants which will arrive next week. We want to tell you that the tomatoes are already giving their first flowers. During this week we had a little high temperatures and we took the opportunity to work in the shade cleaning and organizing some areas inside. of the farm. From the list we present, please choose the products you wish to have in your next delivery. Lacinato kale, Collards, Escarole, Salad mix, Chard, Turnips, Fennel, Kohlrabi, Beets, Basil and Parsley. I want to tell you that kohlrabi is a very tasty product and if you don't want to cook it, you just need to peel it and make slices, add a little salt and lemon juice and that's it, you can enjoy it as a very healthy snack. Please don't forget to pick up your bag of vegetables at the usual places. Best regards HCF., and all Farmers., Judy, Yoli, Raul and Erasmo.