Hi guys,
We finally got rain on Saturday! Not a ton but some relief! Enough that I believe we will get sweet corn, and that the potatoes will actually form since they just started flowering this week. It is beautiful to walk out and get mud on your feet after a rain. This week sees our winter seeding go in with a bit more hope that it will germinate. Carrots, beets, winter radishes, and many other yummy storage veggies will hopefully grow so we will be well fed for the winter.
New to the shares this week are cabbages, they will be smaller then usual but they are cute! And I said we wouldn't have broccoli, but little heads have formed and we are going to do florets as an improvisation so nothing goes to waste! There won't be loads but enough for a taste! Hoping our next planting is going to fill now that it has had a real drink!
We have some of Kendal Hills Mushrooms back on offer, and Cole (Who has been working with us for 5 years now!) has a well tended herb bed of his own that he tends to at home before and after work. He has an over abundance so we are going to include some in our shares!
We should see carrots in a week or two! They are sizing up with the rain and beets will be just around the corner! A little late but better then not at all!
Thanks so much for your patients and continued support! Hope you are enjoying all your veggies, grown with love!
Cheers your farmer, Jess
"Putting the Culture Back in Agriculture!"