Well Hello,
Hope you are all fine & well, I recognize this is going out late, it has taken me a couple days to get back into gear since our journey into the wild yonder with our great steeds! I dare say it was great, we rode in the rain, played cards & laughed a lot, surrounded by amazing company. Jessalynn accomplished a couple of her personal goals with Sassy, a swim in the lake, and a fun canter up some forested hills, her pony is the best trail horse ever! They even went for ice cream together...french vanilla as per usual.
I survived, my goal was to simply stay on and enjoy the ride. Naughty and I have done a ton of ring work, but no trail riding so this was a first for us. He was a champ, I was the one that had to adjust to a new mount after many years simply riding the great ones, like Mr.Gray and Charmy. It is another step in the bonding process and we succeeded.
I have not got back on social media, no real quick desire to, it isn't my cup of tea, but I acknowledge it is a great way to keep you updated. So that will be set aside till Monday, and then I will check back into the never, never land the human species has created and start keeping you posted with the farm happenings. It was just so awesome to simply be, enjoy, and live in the present without worrying about sharing and posting. I did not miss my phone at all! I think we should all leave our devices behind on a regular for the sake of our sanity & well being.
Anyhow, enough rambling! The fall is here and we are going to see the change real quick! Say good bye to zucchini, cucumbers, melons, and watermelons & hello to winter squash, tomatoes, cooking onions, peppers, pie pumpkins and such!
On the horizon leeks, eggplants, sweet potatoes, rutabaga, winter kohlrabi, fennel, and edamame! Can't give you exact dates, but they are coming!
Gotta go!
Cheers your farmer,
"Putting the Culture Back in Agriculture!"