Hello Farm-ily!
*pictured above are our greenhouse cucumbers. Tyria, an English cuke and Katrina, a Lebanese cuke, are mostly seedless with thin skin and crisp, clean texture. We trust you are enjoying them!
The hot,dry weather is back and we are here watering and harvesting a bounty of summer delights including summer squash, cucumbers, fennel, fava beans (last week),the first of the tomatoes (you'll see plenty of these beauties after our week off!), onions, basil, eggplant, and our standards; salad mix, kale, chard, collards, scallions... with potatoes, peppers, green beans, around the bend. It is plentiful and I'm almost sad we won't have CSA next week but.... As much as we LOVE LOVE LOVE to grow for you, we've found it essential for mind, body & spirit to take time off & recharge. There will not be any shares to pick up the week of July 4-10, & no worries, the price of your CSA didn't include this week. This was pre-planned. THANK YOU for your understanding! ....HEREFORD FARM MARKET share pick up will be July 3 (no shares July 10) and OSF will be at the Hereford Market both Saturdays. We will not miss market. So if you will need some extra produce PLEASE come see us at the Hereford Farmer's Market July 3 or July 10 and stock up THIS week from the extras page or when we come back. We have the produce and it wants a home!
***ALSO, if you are unable to pick up your regularly-scheduled share the week before (July 3), as with any share you may need to reschedule throughout the season, you can 1) gift it to a friend to pick up & explain to them how/when pick ups work, or 2) log on to your HARVIE account, to reschedule your share. Click here for more info:https://harvie.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001542514-How-to-reschedule-change-a-delivery-location-and-hold-a-share-?fbclid=IwAR3HRtgHbci5P1Acn6IKeuzzUYFwmDtxhzffAymKYrH8oQswAOR1zOFjVI4
As a member, you have a few different options if you can't receive your regular scheduled share. The specific options available to you may vary according to your farm's policies. Let's review the o...