The season keeps rolling along and we keep rolling with it. The flower and bouquet shares are finished for the season, but we will continue to have produce for you in the Summer CSA until the week of October 18-23, 2021. We expect to have informational about our biweekly Autumn CSA available towards the end of this month.
While the rotten weather has brought a premature ending to the peppers and eggplants, we still have a few straggler tomatoes and some of the fall crops are starting to get ready. We are digging out one of the better Irish potato crops that we have had in a few years and the beginning of the sweet potato harvest seems promising. The winter squash is suffering from the heavy rains (the first photo was taken 2 weeks prior to the second; see all the yellowing brown plants?) but there do appear to be some good looking spaghetti, acorn and delicata squash out there. We expect to have some Hakeuri turnips available soon as well as some more cooler season greens.