Hi there CSA Members,
Thank god its cooler! We made it through the heat surprisingly well. We're lucky to have a good, deep well, and have (mostly) fixed any irrigation snags and were able to water everything thoroughly before and during the heat wave. My biggest concern was the broccoli, which we harvested before it got hot to avoid any scorching of heads. The good news it we got it all--and the smaller heads springing up after look great! Some of you will see that in your share this week, and the following week as we continue to harvest tender side shoots.
As promised, the basil loved this weather. You'll see the start of basil, summer squash and zucchini this week. Pretty soon we'll also start to see beans!
We've been recovering from the heat and used the last couple of overcast days to catch up on seeding (more carrots, beets, and beans in the ground) and complete the trellising of our big tunnel. There were 3 to 4 ripe tomatoes in there, hoping to start to get you pints of cherry tomatoes by the third week of July. The great news about the tunnel is that we'll be able to really extend our tomato season into October. Get your salads, toasts, sauces, and other dishes ready friends.
Thanks and see you at pick up!