Hi CSA Members,
Hope you're all well out there--this week brought an exciting new addition: baby chicks! Every other year we get new chicks to replace our older laying hens. This year we've got them in an old high tunnel where they are snacking on baby chick food along with grass, old tomatoes, and really whatever else they can find. We're expanding our flock for next year as well--up from 150 to 250 birds. We'll say farewell to part of the old flock at the end of October--after about 2 years they tend to produce far fewer eggs, which makes it not as worthwhile to keep them. We're excited to have the older birds processed at our friend's in Orting--means we'll have stew birds for falls soup season!
Despite some chillier mornings, your share is still bringing summer. We'll start to see the transition to more fall looking things in a couple weeks. Trying to get as many tomatoes headed your way as possible before the cold hits! Although, with our tunnel I think we'll still see tomatoes into the first week of October.