Farm Happenings at Pleasant Hill Produce
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Farm Happenings for December 9, 2020

Posted on December 9th, 2020 by Ben Sayler

Greetings from the farm! 

We often get asked "What do you do in the winter?" We are still very busy in the winter months and the work doesn't stop because it is cold and not much is growing outside. As you know, we continue the CSA in the winter! We spend every Wednesday and Friday harvesting greens and packing shares. It takes less time than during the main season because lots of our crops are in storage and have already been picked, washed, and sorted. Most of our other time is spent doing projects and getting ready for next season. It is especially busy this winter with the move to a new farm! We are getting the new fields planned and moving/building infastructure such as high tunnels, wash stations, walk-in coolers, and equipment. The plan is coming together and we try to order all of our needed supplies for the following year in December when our suppliers have sales and discounts. Although the workload doesn't change too much from summer to winter, the schedule is not as regimented and most projects just need to be completed before Spring arrives. Its no longer "we have to this today", but instead "we have to do this soon". Ben also spends more time with family and generally works less hours on the weekends. It is a nice change of pace after working everyday for nine months! When Spring arrives...the list is still long...and some things just need to wait until next winter. 

We have a few new items on the menu this week including spinach, broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, pears, and a couple new apple varieties (cameo and evercrisp). 

Members with 'farm-extras' shares will be getting two containers of sprouts-one alfalfa and one radish.

Please be sure to scroll through all of the extras and customize your share for the best CSA experience!

Be Healthy. Be Happy.

Farmer Ben