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Farm Happenings at Pleasant Hill Produce
What does farmer Ben do in the winter?
Happy New Year!
Ben is always asked what he does during the winter. As you know, this year he continues farming and grows crops for your CSA share! This involves maintaining temperatures by removing and adding covers to crops as the weather fluctuates, watering, weeding, and harvesting and packing1 read more »
Winter Solstice
Winter solstice is sneaking up on us just as quickly as stuffed turkeys and Christmas trees. This year's solstice will take place on Saturday, Dec. 21. The astronomical phenomenon happens as the earth orbits the sun . During the winter, one hemisphere is tilted away from the sun and receives1 read more »
Salad Greens are back this week!
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We hosted Heather's family at our house this year. Heather did most of the cooking on Wednesday so we could spend time with family instead of working in the kitchen. Ben roasted a turkey that he got from a friend in Middletown-this beast of a bird weighed ov1 read more »