Hi Friends!
What a spring we've all had so far, whew. Here on the farm we're getting a good start on things and have been thinking hard about how to best serve our community safely.
This week we'll be trialing a pop-up farm share with contactless home delivery for our neighbors in the Rush/Honeoye Falls area. Orders placed by Thursday evening at 8pm will be delivered Friday from 1-3pm.
Shares will have a base cost $10 and can include any of the following items, with the option to purchase extras as well:
Green Garlic, Scallions, Leeks, Herbs, Rhubarb, Microgreens, Eggs, and extra Tomato seedlings, as well as stored Popcorn, Honey, Jam, and Baby Ginger and Turmeric from our harvests last year.
Before placing an order please check to confirm your address is in the delivery area - unfortunately we aren't able to deliver to the city or other neighborhoods at this time.
For folks in other areas we'll have our regular season shares available for pickup in Honeoye Falls on June 8th and at the Westside Farmers Market starting June 9th! Thanks so much for your support!