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Farm Happenings at Rainwater Farms
Farm Happenings for August 31, 2020
Hi all!
We're starting to feel fall creeping towards us in these cool mornings lately, which is great news for lettuce and other greens. We'll still have at least a few more weeks of tomatoes and peppers as we head into September and there will be plenty of onions and garlic through the end o1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 24, 2020
Hi Friends!
It's hard to believe that August is almost over and we're approaching the fall. We did an early harvest on some of our winter squash and while we're between successions on zucchini we will have delicatas available in the shares this week. We'll also have a few bonus items this wee1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 17, 2020
Hi all!
Tomatoes are going strong this week as we're heading into mid-August. No major farm news this week - we're watching the tomatillos and our next round of lettuce closely but both are going to be pushed back another week. We could really use some rain and will be dragging hoses around t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 10, 2020
Hi Friends!
We're halfway through the season this week and things are looking pretty good right now. We've been planting cabbages and greens for the fall shares and our next round of baby greens are looking great! They won't be ready for another two weeks but we're so excited about sharing th1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 3, 2020
Hi Friends!
It's hard to believe we're at week 9 of the farm share already, almost halfway through the season. We're finally starting to catch up again after the almost drought back in early July and all of the extreme heat we had this month. Between the weather, the pandemic, and learning to be pa1 read more »