Hi Friends!
Brr, we've had a couple of cold nights on the farm this week. We're enjoying dressing Norah in sweaters for the first time and are looking forward to fall and apple picking season.
This will be the last week for red tomatoes, although we'll have green ones for a couple of weeks still if you're craving one last helping of fried green tomatoes. Tomatillos and peppers both started ripening late this year and are still going strong so we'll continue to have those as well.
Lots of greens ahead - our first fall spinach plantings are about two weeks out from harvest and we'll have some baby arugula greens available this week. Kale and chard are still going strong and the collard greens are thriving on these cold nights.
It's hard to believe it but this is week fifteen of the shares - only five weeks left! Time is moving very strangely for all of us this year I think. For the fall we won't be offering any formal share subscriptions, but we'll be doing some pop-up farm sales through harvie as we have produce available. I'm planning some experiments with cold season greens so we'll keep you posted as things grow.
Emma, Naomi, & Norah