Farm Happenings at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York
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Farm Happenings for July 23, 2020

Posted on July 21st, 2020 by Bob Baker

Hello Members - Good Afternoon!  Heading into our second CSA delivery!   We appreciate your support and especially responding with the short notice for your customization emails -  thank you!  

Rain today at the Farm was a very welcomed - soil was starting to look very thirsty! 

Our first week of corn - always considered a milestone of summer with its partner - tomatoes which are ripening on the vines! 

The zucchini are rapid growers - and once we start picking them - we usually are in the fields every other day to harvest.  Such a beautiful vibrant 

blossom that brightens the fields!

       If you are considering helping out at the farm - we certainly have plenty of opportunities which include: planting in the greenhouse - watering

the transplants - planting the transplants in the fields - harvesting the vegetables - you may visit our website  - on the

homepage - click on volunteers and that will take you to the sign up page.  Plenty of spacing at the Farm!  Nice way to spend a couple of hours with

family and or friends!  We thank you for your support which allows us to grow thousands of pounds of fresh vegetables to feed those in need in our


Weekend looks like 90's again - definitely grilling weather - time at the water or in front of the AC sounds good!

Very best, Bob