Farm Happenings at Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York
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Farm Happenings for July 29, 2021

Posted on July 23rd, 2021 by Bob Baker

 Bringing our friends the honey bees back - love this picture - as it displays the beauty and practicality of the Farm!


  1. Honey Bees have 5 eyes- 2 large compound eyes and 3 small simple eyes.
  2. Honey Bee queens lay 1,500 eggs A DAY.
  3. A single bee makes 1/12 teaspoon of honey in its entire lifetime. A typical little 12-ounce honey bear squeeze bottle takes 864 bees to make all the honey that goes inside it.
  4. Bees flap their wings 190 times a second. (That’s over double the 70 times a second the hummingbird flaps its wings)
  5. A honey bee flies 15 miles per hour.
  6. Honey bees keep the inside of their hives at 93 degrees Fahrenheit. (If it’s cold outside, all the bees vibrate their bodies and create body heat to warm up their hive to 93°, and when it’s hot outside, they flap their wings like fans to create a breeze and cool it off.)
  7. Honey bees never sleep!
  8. Honey bees are the ONLY insect that produces food for humans to eat.
  9. Honey bees pollinate approximately 80% of all vegetables, fruit and seed crops in the USA.

Hello Members -  Happy Weekend!  Starting to wish I was out at the Farm today and enjoying this beautiful weather!  So happy to be on Saturday of Thursday of our first fruit share delivery. Sorry, I failed to mention all the fruits in the share this week and thank you members for the reminder - blueberries - peaches -apricots - sugar plums - red plums and rainier cherries

Rainier cherries. This golden yellow cherry with a red blush has a crisp bite and delicate, super-sweet flavor. Rainiers have some of the highest sugar levels of sweet cherries

It’s best to enjoy Rainier cherries just as they are, one option is slicing them into a salad. They aren’t the best cherries to bake with.

Two new vegetables this week -  

Yellow Candy Onions - This light brown -skinned hybrid onion grows successfully just about all over the country - All-purpose Candy produces large, globe-shaped onions, with a mild onion flavor and firm crispy yellow flesh that is delicious raw or cooked. Candy onions caramelize beautifully when chopped and sautéed.  Mouth watering!

  One of the true favorites here in the Northeast - Sweet Corn - which needs no introduction -  we will offer the corn in your share each week as long as we can - the corn is offered per ear in your share - so if you want more than one ear, you will need to increase the number under the corn picture to the amount you want

 As promised from one of our own CSA members - thank you SL

  Zucchini patties with dill sauce

Fresh cucumber salad (use half the sugar)

Parsley chimichurri 

Please send your favorites to share!  Thanks!


Repeating the Housekeeping Notes One More Week -

we do recycle the boxes - so if your box is in good shape with no structural damage or there is no staining on the inside by the vegetables and moisture - please return them - if your site does not allow returns - you may store them and return them to the Food Bank -   the second note has to do with pick up at sites that do allow returns - I know many of you have already put this into practice - you may bring a bag or bags to pick up your vegetables and leave the box at the site. Thank you for your help with this!

Share packing line on Thursday -  I know this past week we had a few more mistakes than usual - items missing and poor product quality in some of the shares  - and I am truly sorry - you are our valued members  - we will strive to improve and reduce those mistakes - please continue to contact me and we will replace or give you a credit which you may use to purchase extra vegetables -

We are still very much in need of volunteers to help us at the Farm - we experienced significantly low numbers of volunteers this Spring and sign up is still low for the Summer months  - if you are considering volunteering at the Farm - please contact one of our farmers - Brandon to schedule your time -  Thank you!

Believe or Not - Week Number Five!  Slow Down Summer!

Enjoy your weekend - the water  - ball games - golf - kayaks - the hammock - good book - walking & talking - the beach - hiking - grilling -  sun and your lawn chair - a nap - family and friends!

Very best, Bob