Welcome to the Patroon Land Farm - Thank you for stopping by and visiting our site!
We are enjoying the sun, the warmth, and the company of our volunteers as we begin planting seeds in our greenhouse. The onions are the first seeds on our calendar to be planted. They are resilient and can stand up to the early spring temperatures - once the ground is workable and we leave 32 behind - they will take up their residence in the soil and reach maturity in 4 months.
The greenhouse is where it all begins and has a story of its own to tell. What makes a greenhouse so special? The amount of light that enters, the controlled temperature, and the ability to easily regulate the moisture that the plants receive. Before the greenhouse magic begins - we must first open the closet door and bring out the cleaning crew! This magical environment also produces ideal conditions for pests, pathogens, and disease to flourish. Everything is removed from the greenhouse - it is swept clean - washed down with a mild soap solution - and then sanitized with a very dilute bleach solution. Before anything is brought back in (seed trays, tables, chairs, garden tools, wheels barrels, shovels, buckets, hose, sprinklers, etc.) it all must be washed and sanitized. Once the planting season begins - our best defense is to routinely inspect the plants and remove those that show any sign of disease.
Each week for your share we offer 12 - 15 different vegetables and you are able to choose which vegetables you would like in your share. Shares are available on a weekly or biweekly basis - depending on your family size and usage. The season will run from July 7 to October 14th.
If you feel the urge to volunteer with us - we have plenty of volunteer spots available - we are outside and have plenty of space to maintain any distance which is comfortable for you - Monday through Friday (2 shifts) - 930m - 12noon and 12noon - 3pm - on Saturday (1 shift) - 9am - 12noon - you may use this link to access our volunteer sign up page - VOLUNTEER
We appreciate your support of the CSA and Farm -
Very best, Bob