Greeting, CSA members. We've had some lovely weather at the farm, and our pastured laying hens are enjoying it as well. They live in a collection of coops like the one pictured. We move the coops around to fresh grass every few days, which helps to build the fertility of the soil and also provides the chickens in ideal environment for eating healthy. Inside the coops, they have feed, water, laying boxes, and roosts where they sleep at night. It's extra work to raise eggs this way, but we feel strongly that it's worth it--both to improve the lives of the chickens and the soil, but also to produce tasty and nutritious eggs. We're glad so many of you choose to add an egg share on to your box.
While the cucumbers and tomatoes are just about finished for the year, we have some other fun items to look forward to. Namely, we are just beginning the curing process for our winter squash. There will be a few varieties--some familiar like butternut and others more unique like Thelma Sanders sweet potato squash.
On behalf of the crew,
Farmer Neil