It has been DRY on the farm! Todd has been spending every evening running irrigation systems. Given the record amount of heat this summer so far, this will be the last week of spinach, so enjoy! Speaking of heat, the cucumbers are loving it and you will see the first from the greenhouses this week. And finally, make garlic scape pesto, yum!
Back to Farm Happenings at River Road Farm
Farm Happenings for July 1, 2020
Posted on June 29th, 2020 by Todd Rothe
About the farm

River Road Farm is a local family-run organic vegetable farm that has been producing delicious fresh products and hosting a variety of fun activities since 2012. We want people, like our selves, to be able to feed your children nutrient dense food that comes from biologically active soil and that is guaranteed safe to eat fresh.
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