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Farm Happenings at Robinette Farms
Farm Happenings for January 30, 2019: Week 3 of 10!
It's another cold week on the farm...
BUT, we have officially completed our first planting in the NEW micro greens greenhouse! This has been a long work in progress and we are finally done!
This week we will be moving out of our vegetable propagation greenhouse and into the new microhouse, and Chri1 read more »
Farm Happenings for January 23, 2019: Week 2 of 10!
It's still winter folks! Thankfully the lows this weekend have crept back up into the single digits (yay!) instead of negatives (boo!). In our climate we occasionally have negative temperatures in the winter but more often than not, it doesn't last long. This allows us to grow lots of cold weather1 read more »
Farm Happenings for January 16, 2019: Welcome to Winter Eating!
Happy New Year and Welcome to our first ever Winter CSA!
We are super excited to embark on this journey of winter eating with you all. Thank you for being interested in year round local food in Nebraska. At Robinette we are all about pushing the limits and trying new things and are lucky to have a1 read more »