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Farm Happenings at Soggy Meadows Farm
Farm Happenings for July 17, 2020
Tomato season has officially arrived! The plants love these warm nights, and the tomatoes are coming on strong. Our plants are loaded with loaded with sweet, juicy cherry tomoatoes. Our Heirloom and Big Boy tomatoes are ripe and ready for the picking. We have attached a picture of some of our Heirl1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 18, 2020
Hello Members! We are so excited to start deliveries! As most of you know, we’ve had a crazy start to the season. A new baby calf (appropriately named Corona), a tornado ripping the roof off our barn, and an early harvest that didn’t match up with our delivery dates. None the less, we a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 9, 2020
Welcome to Farm Stand! We have eggs and beef for delivery or pickup and pre-orders are open for pork. Sausage will be available after 4/23 and pork chops and bacon after 5/21. This is just the pre-order for pork and will not be delivered until after these dates. Eggs and beef will be delivered on t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for April 2, 2020
Welcome to the Farm Stand! We are offering eggs and beef for pickup or delivery this weekend. Pork sausage will be available after 4/23 and bacon and pork chops after 5/21. This is a preorder for those products and will be included in your delivery or pickup after they become available. read more »