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Farm Happenings at Strawberry Lane Produce
Farm Happenings for July 30, 2022
Well we are back this week with some summer bounty. We started harvesting some of our saved cherry tomatoes this week. They have that classic tomato flavor. There will be hardly any green beans for a few weeks. The deer and rabbits just destroyed the first to plantings and planting three won't be r1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 27, 2022
We harvested a couple of pints of our saved cherry tomatoes today. There should be enough to start loading them into Harvie next week. They have that classic tomato tasted. We can't remember how long we have been saving them now. They were just some random pack of seeds we got one year. Of co1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 20, 2022
Sorry for getting this out so late. The rain sure was nice and with the cooler temperatures it can really work it's magic. We harvested the last of the garlic Sunday. Some of it is looking really nice! One weighted 6.7 ounces! The odd thing is how much purple garlic there is we sure don't remember1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 16, 2022
It was nice to see the rain earlier this week. Robin's green eggplants have started to produce, she is excited. They look like Asian eggplant expect, they are green. There may be a few in this week. With the heavy animal pressure this season and a couple of missed planting, that with luck you will1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 9, 2022
We found Asian eggplants last weekend. This is the earliest that we can remember having eggplants even if it is tiny in the picture it's not tiny anymore.
Harvested some garlic this morning. We will be planting Fall snap peas soon. Other then the beans and head lettuces that got chewed on by deer1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 6, 2022
We found Asian eggplants over the weekend. This is the earliest that we can remember having eggplants even if it is tiny. read more »