Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer, Week 6, July 5
---- Sugar Snap Peas ----
Sugar Snap Peas continue to produce well. Normally, peas do not like heat. But in this hot spell, we've had plenty of humidity. While people do not like high dewpoints, plants love it. The water does not evaporate from their leave as quickly, so there is less stress.
---- Bok Choi ----
Use Bok Choi stems like celery in cooking, and use the leaves as a mild cabbage leaf. This crop will be the last for awhile, as Bok Choi does not do so well in heat. We can keep some in the cooler for next week, but that's about it.
---- White Turnips ----
Started harvesting White Turnips. They are more moist that the purple tops and have a hint of sweetness. Eat them raw. My favorite is "turnip sticks", cut into strips, mix half and half with carrot sticks. Or cook them. My favorite is "fried turnips and potatoes", mix half and half with potato pieces, and fry in a pan with some onions.