![Farm Happenings at Trumpeter Swan Farm](https://s3.amazonaws.com/harvie-uploads/uploads/images/farm/header_image/5e1406bab154e848669819.jpg)
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Farm Happenings at Trumpeter Swan Farm
Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer, Week 1, May 30
Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer, Week 1, May 30
---- It's Summer! ----
Well worth the wait. The timely rains have really helped the early produce like lettuce, spinach and green onions. Asparagus is not so good this year - dry late summer and fall. That's the "fun" of farming, each year its s1 read more »
Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Winter, Week 51&52, May 16
Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Winter, Week 51&52, May 16
---- Asparagus No Need to Trim ----
Asparagus is here. Its coming slowly, due to the dry weather, but very tasty. Enough for about half the members. When we harvest, we snap the stems, rather than cut with a knife. That insures the spear1 read more »
Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Winter, Week 49&50, May 2
Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Winter, Week 49&50, May 2
---- First Herbs, Last Bread ----
We are just starting Herbs - chives, oregano and rosemary. A limited quantity to pick from. If you don't see any available this time, more will show up next delivery. And we are finishing up with bread, w1 read more »