Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer, Week 20, Oct 11
---- Watering In October ----
Hard to believe we had to water fields in October! We still have winter crops like broccoli and brussels sprouts, plus overwintering onions for next year, that were just getting too dry. So we did a round of watering early last week. I can't remember having to water in October. The nice 1/2 inch of rain we got last night was very welcome!
---- Peppers ----
Hard freeze predicted for the weekend, so its time to clear pick the remaining peppers. The chili (thai) peppers are the hottest, and jalapeno and hungarian have medium heat, and the carmen (long conical) and bell peppers are both "sweet", having no heat. The carmens and bells taste best when ripened to red. But in Minnesota, we also make do with the green ones, which have nice taste, just not as sweet.
---- Farewell to Summer ----
This is the last delivery of our Summer Season. It was nice to have summer produce like summer squash and tomatoes up to the end. Sometimes frost does not allow for that. For those members skipping the Winter Season, we say "have a nice winter, see you next summer!". Information on Summer Season (starts week of May 30) will be posted in January.
---- Winter Season ----
The first delivery of Winter Season (week 21 and 22) will be next week (week of Oct 18). Winter deliveries are every 2 weeks, so the following delivery (week 23 and 24) will be week of Nov 1. I will send more information on Winter Season in a few days.