Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer, Week 8, July 20 thru July 22
---- Eggs ----
We had a couple of questions pop up about chicken eggs and why they're not in stock sometimes. Well there are two reasons, the first is the heat. When chickens are hot and stressed they don't want to lay eggs. We try to mitigate this as much as possible with fans in the barn keeping the air moving, and with plenty of drinking water. Second is that there are just more of you folks than our chickens can keep up with. If you were with us during the winter or remember the first few weeks of delivery there were plenty of eggs, because in the winter we have less members and therefore less demand for eggs so we have a surplus, in the summer it is the inverse. We have 150 more chicks that we got in May but they won't be laying until October. Chickens, and more importantly eggs, are a balancing act that we have been working at for a while and is hard to perfect.
---- Cabbage ----
Green cabbage is starting to come in and red cabbage is a few weeks behind. There may not be enough for everyone but since we do a succession planting of cabbage and because they don't mature all at once, they will be around until fall. Besides using it for cole slaw I personally love to make fried cabbage, served along side pan fried pork chops.
---- Peas ----
This week will most likely be the last week for snap peas, and there might be a few shell peas next week but not much. Peas season was real late this year and real short. But at the end of the day that's the way the cookie crumbles. The good new is that next week the first green and yellow beans should be coming out of the field.