Trumpeter Swan Farm CSA News - Summer, Week 10, August 2 thru August 4
---- Tomatoes just around the corner ----
With it being hot and dry the tomatoes have been loving it. We started picking cherry tomatoes this week, not a lot. But, that being said there are a lot of green tomatoes out there so be on the look out for slicer, roma, cherry and tomatillos to be rolling in in the next few weeks.
---- Green Onions and Onions ----
Greens onions this year are just not liking this heat, they are not growing fast and are quite stunted from the heat and drought. We will pick what we have but there will probably not be a surplus of green onions like there has been in past years. As for bulbing onions they are still two the three weeks out. Bulbing onions need moisture in the growing stage of there life, May and June. With how dry it was, and still is, we were only able to get them a half an inch of rain every 10 days using our sprinkler system. We will start picking the sweet vidalia this week but red and yellow storage will take a bit longer.
---- Melons ----
This is the first real week of cantaloupe and watermelon. We have two cantaloupe varieties, goddess and sugar cube. Goddess is an early melon and personally I find it to be not as sweet as sugar cube, but hey that's my opinion. Goddess is the melon that is being offered this week with sugar cube following about two weeks from now. As for watermelon we grow yellow doll, it is a seeded watermelon, but for the trade off of having seeds it is quite possible the juiciest and tastiest watermelon I have ever had. With watermelons it is very hard for us to tell if it is ripe unless we crack it open to look inside, because of this it's a bit of a gamble. So if you get a watermelon that is unripe just reply to this email and we well give you a replacement next week.