If you are getting produce, this week's shares will have more beautiful, organic veggies from Joe's Farm and Fisher's Produce. As with last week, everything but the tomatoes will be organic (the tomatoes are pesticide-free from Cedar Spring Farms.) We are in-between fruit crops, unfortunately. strawberries are done, and blueberries are still a week away.
We've also added more add-on options including items from our kitchen like burritos and meatballs as well as a few more of our favorite grocery staples, like sauerkraut and tortillas.
As a reminder, some items are available to swap as you customize your share, and some items are add-on only (generally because they are a little more $$$ or because we have limited quantities.) Swaps don't cost anything unless they increase the value of your total box. If you have questions, please let us know!
- Chelsey