Extras for sale: Soup of the Week: Butternut Squash Bisque, organic cranberries, stew hens, and more- add during customization process.
Farm Note:
It's feeling more and more like winter outside. For many mammals in northern climates, this is a time of hibernation--a time to find a safe den to rest and conserve resources until the warmth and sun make their gradual return in the spring. We on the farm find ourselves imitating our furry friends in some ways--sleeping in longer than we do in summer and facing some internal resistance about going outside to do farm work when it's cold, wet and windy. Oh, and drinking tea. We like drinking tea and we're pretty sure the minks and groundhogs and voles are drinking wee cups of tea down in their burrows.
The unheated greenhouses provide great contradiction during this time of year. There, thousands of little green plants are bursting forth in all directions. When the sun's out, it's often T-shirt weather in the greenhouses. Just like our traditional office settings and year-round 9-5 work schedules, our greenhouses create a bit of an artificial reality. While we can get a bit angsty about the plastic waste we create every 4-6 years, we hope it's still a better alternative to winter greens shipped from Mexico or California or Florida. (So far, there is still recycling for greenhouse plastic.) So enjoy the baby greens this week, compliments of the sun, soil, water, and Village Acres Farm humans. We enjoyed growing them for you. Oh, and don't forget to customize your share this week if you want to. This can be done until Monday at 8 am.