I know its sort of pushing it to name a CSA season that starts in mid February a "Spring CSA", but behavior of the weather the last few weeks makes it feel appropriate. We are happy to have you all join us in celebrating the start to a new growing season. This time of year, I feel quite lucky to be a vegetable farmer as "spring" comes earlier for us that for the average person inside our greenhouse and tunnels. We look forward to sharing a lot of green, as well some of the best of last years harvest that are still with us. Have you noticed that sweet potatoes in February are way better than when you eat them in November, or is that just my opinion? Don't forget you can customize your share!
Back to Farm Happenings at Village Acres Farm
First Spring Distribution February 18th (Next Tuesday)
Posted on February 14th, 2020 by Debra Brubaker
About the farm
Village Acres Farm has a mission of connecting people to their food, the earth and each other. We are committed to growing food and building relationships that are sustaining, restorative, and transformative for our customers, our employees, and ourselves.
Celebrating over 35 years of farming, 25 years of Organic certification and 20 years of serving the community through a CSA model, Village Acres operates as a diversified system, integrating vegetables, berries and pastured livestock.
Village Acres offers on-farm pick-up of produce, eggs, and chicken for CSA members, as well as distribution to State College and Harrisburg.
Located just off Route 322 near Mifflintown - about 50 minutes from State College and Harrisburg - the 45 acre farm is centered in the village of Cuba Mills, nestled along the banks of the Lost Creek close to its confluence with the Juniata River.
Go to farm profile
Celebrating over 35 years of farming, 25 years of Organic certification and 20 years of serving the community through a CSA model, Village Acres operates as a diversified system, integrating vegetables, berries and pastured livestock.
Village Acres offers on-farm pick-up of produce, eggs, and chicken for CSA members, as well as distribution to State College and Harrisburg.
Located just off Route 322 near Mifflintown - about 50 minutes from State College and Harrisburg - the 45 acre farm is centered in the village of Cuba Mills, nestled along the banks of the Lost Creek close to its confluence with the Juniata River.