The farm has been quite a happening place this past week. We are super excited to have movement on several big projects that have been in the works for a long time, including a new drain-field and septic system for our main farm house and FoodShed, an improved access road into the fields on the hill across the road to address issues with erosion from the crazy 2018 season, and the shaping of pads for 2 new high tunnels we hope to erect in the next few weeks. All of these projects have been weighing on me, as they seem daunting in scope and we have been at the mercy of the scheduling of our local excavation company to make happen. Their big machines make the work look easy!
Those of us not running large equipment have been busy seeding and transplanting in greenhouses, wrangling big tarps on (before rain) and off (when sunny/breezy) of the future high tunnel area to keep the ground as dry as possible to prevent compaction, and keeping up with the animals. This coming week its on to sheep shearing time! Our first (super early) lamb has arrived just is time for Chandler's final spring break of her college career!