It's an interesting time to be alive. Our next days and weeks feel very much in flux, and we all are trying to remain flexible. Those of us growing our own food, and in other ways connected to our local food system, both feel gratitude for our situation and concern for those more reliant on systems more vulnerable to market volatility. We've had conversations as a family about what we think our community might need in the coming months and our role in helping provide it. Anyway, just know we are thinking of you all and will try in every way to be helpful.
For now, we plan to continue on with regular deliveries. We are considering extending online sales beyond the spring CSA season, into the summer. We're likely not making a commitment to a full-on summer CSA but we'll likely have some sort of an a la carte ordering available. Stay tuned and be well. Don't forget to reach out and connect with family and friends during this time, even if seeing them in person is not possible.